I've read a bit of "The Great Omission" by Dallas Willard, and he talks about how we are meant to be inhabited by God, and living by his power, not our own.
"Human life cannot flourish unless it pulses with the 'immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe' (Ephesians 1: 19)."
Then this:
"But, someone will say, can I not be 'saved' - that is, get into heaven when I die - without any of this? Perhaps you can. God's goodness is so great, I am sure that He will let you in if He can find any basis at all to do so. But you might wish to think about what your life amounts to
before you die, about what kind of person you are becoming, and about whether you really would be comfortable for eternity in the presence of one whose company you have not found especially desirable for the few hours and days of your earthly existence. And He is, after all, one who says to you
now, 'Follow me!'"