Monday, March 31, 2008

Last Weekend at Kingston!

I went to Kingston Reformed Church last weekend. The first thing I noticed was that it was HUGE compared to the church I go to. Anyway, the speaker dude said something interesting. I wrote it in my phone so I'd remember it.

Bit of background first..

Most people would agree that in the postmodern times we're in (or is it post-post-modern now??) everyone is trying to "find themself" somehow, hence all the new-age religions coming out. I've never really bothered understanding the whole postmodern thing, but I think one main characteristic of this age is just trying to grapple for some sort of meaning to your life - whether it's getting married and having kids, having FUN and LIVING LIFE TO THE FULL (how do you define that anyway?), having an awesome career, or finding contentment and happiness - regardless of how it's done, people are definitely trying to "find themselves."

I think it's also considered that if you decide to be a Christian, you're being something other than yourself, and not staying "true to yourself." And I mean, for a non-Christian who doesn't truly know what following God is all about (because they haven't bothered to find out, or their Christian friends haven't bothered to tell them), it's fair enough that people should think that way. To the uninformed observer, it could look like everyone's just floating through the world, trying to find their own purpose, and these Christians are deciding instead to follow some "God" that apparently created the world. Doesn't that sound like Christians are going a bit off the main track, and abandoning their "true self"?

But most followers of God would agree, I think, with what this guy at Kingston Reformed said. And he said it so well! YOU were created by God, like God, and for God. Creation stems from one point - God. So finding God, as we are ALL destined to do, is in fact finding yourself. Because he knows you better than you know yourself. On a slightly off-the-track note, you know how it's easy to think "how can God understand what I'm personally going through?" Well someone I know recently summed that up pretty well.. he made you, so he understands your pain better than you yourself do.

If you don't believe in God, then that doesn't change the fact that he exists. I can claim that you don't exist, but regardless of what I believe, you clearly still exist.

Oh the other thing this guy so eloquently said was that when you eventually find God, you find out where you've come from, what you're here for, and where you're going. And I can vouch for that :)

Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm travelling to Europe in a few weeks to begin exploring the world! My itinerary is complex, so I'll just give you the basic run-down! Above is the route I'm taking. 10 countries in 2 months? Hectic, I know.. but I'm not mad, just ambitious ;)

17 April - Hobart to Copenhagen, Denmark

24 April - Copenhagen to Bremen, Germany

28 April - Bremen to Rostock, Germany

5 May - Rostock to Berlin, Germany

6 May - Berlin to Dresden, Germany

8 May - Dresden to Prague, Czech Republic

11 May - Prague to Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

13 May - Cesky Krumlov to Vienna, Austria

16 May - Vienna to Salzburg, Austria

20 May - Salzburg to Munich, Germany

23 May - Munich to Stuttgart, Germany

25 May - Stuttgart to Paris, France

28 May - Paris to Bruges, Belgium

1 June - Bruges to Amsterdam, Netherlands

4 June - Amsterdam to Berlin, Germany

7 June - Berlin to Lucerne, Switzerland

9 June - Lucerne to Nice, France

12 June - Nice to Milan, Italy

13 June - Milan to Santorini, Greece

20 June - Santorini to Athens, Greece

21 June - Athens to... Home!