Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm travelling to Europe in a few weeks to begin exploring the world! My itinerary is complex, so I'll just give you the basic run-down! Above is the route I'm taking. 10 countries in 2 months? Hectic, I know.. but I'm not mad, just ambitious ;)

17 April - Hobart to Copenhagen, Denmark

24 April - Copenhagen to Bremen, Germany

28 April - Bremen to Rostock, Germany

5 May - Rostock to Berlin, Germany

6 May - Berlin to Dresden, Germany

8 May - Dresden to Prague, Czech Republic

11 May - Prague to Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

13 May - Cesky Krumlov to Vienna, Austria

16 May - Vienna to Salzburg, Austria

20 May - Salzburg to Munich, Germany

23 May - Munich to Stuttgart, Germany

25 May - Stuttgart to Paris, France

28 May - Paris to Bruges, Belgium

1 June - Bruges to Amsterdam, Netherlands

4 June - Amsterdam to Berlin, Germany

7 June - Berlin to Lucerne, Switzerland

9 June - Lucerne to Nice, France

12 June - Nice to Milan, Italy

13 June - Milan to Santorini, Greece

20 June - Santorini to Athens, Greece

21 June - Athens to... Home!


BSJ-rom said...

Someone's gonna be busy...

BYO keyboard if I were you. Very annoying trying to type on European keyboards (especially seeings as you're steering clear of those brits.

Michael said...

Wow, a long list to tick off! Hope you have a great time.

Astrid said...

awesome iternary looking forward to the stories and pics