Sunday, November 15, 2009


It sure has been a long time...

Nearly a year in fact! On a couple of recent occasions I've had thoughts and ideas that are bloggable so it's about time I made the effort to write them here.

My interests tend to happen in bursts. I used to write on my blog a lot, and then I had a dry period (maybe due to lack of inspiration) and then I got into it again and then sure enough was bored of it again.

From the age of about 14 I wrote in a diary quite regularly. This is most awesome and I totally recommend it because now I have the pleasure of reading back over my teenage musings and laughing a lot! Throughout my mid-teens I thought my life was far more dramatic than it was, which makes for some great reading! So I definitely recommend writing in a diary - especially when you're a teenager and you have a crazy imagination.

Anyway, I kept this up, writing in my diary whenever I had something to write about, until about last year - in fact, it was when Adrian went to Bolivia. Since then I haven't written a thing - I just can't bring myself to! It all seems like too much effort, or unnecessary, or something. This is a bit sad, because when I look back later on in life there will be a big patch of nothing, and I'll never know what I was thinking/doing for all of that time!

Maybe I've grown out of it? I truly thought that I'd be writing in a diary until I was really old. Why does it suddenly seem so inappropriate?