Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sydney... I Love

For the past couple of days I have been in the above city - maybe my second favourite in the world! For my job (graduate project officer in the small business section of Dept Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts) I'm working on a national project to make all business licences and related things online and accessible, reducing governemnt red-tape and all that. Because it's a NATIONAL project, I get to travel! Sometimes.

We couldn't get flights to Sydney Tuesday morning for the all-day meeting, so we flew up there Monday morning, which gave me all of Monday afternoon and evening to myself! Another girl who I work with travelled up there too. We ended up parting ways after checking into a very swanky hotel (paid for by work) and I then caught a train out to Miranda's Westfield shopping centre, 1 hour away. I was there to pick up a couple of bridesmaid dresses. I only had half an hour there, but OH GOSH I wish we had a Westfield here in Hobart! This one was huge and I decided that had I had time, I could've shopped for everything we need for our entire wedding and found it all there, in one place, all in a day.

That night I caught up with Ilise, a good friend of mine who made the move to Sydney a couple of years ago. We went out for Thai and generally had a really good catch up.

Observations of luxury hotels (we stayed at The Grace): No matter how spacious the room is, or how comfy the feather doona is, or how flipping expensive everything is, I'm not going to be able to sleep if the air conditioning does not go below 18 degrees!!

I love Sydney. I do get kind of attached and get all wistful when I get home, wishing I could go back, or maybe live there for a while. Oh, and the picture I have now uploaded is exactly why I love Sydney!


Johan Donald said...
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Renae said...

Grr annoying spam comments from Sydney travel website! *hits delete button*