Bremen marked the start of officially travelling on my own! I got a major case of loneliness yesterday... but thanks completely to God there is an internet cafe and call shop right across from the railway station, and I was able to get on here, and also to call Adrian. That helped! Also, after much praying, that night I ended up going out for dinner with Salvatore from Manchester, and then for a few drinks at an Irish pub. We also hung out for a bit today. He's gone now though, but we'll keep in touch maybe.
So, after I gave Bremen a chance to impress me (!) it turned out ok.. the old city has an amazing market square, with gothic architecture and world heritage buildings from the 1100s! And, I had my first experience of a gigantic European cathedral.. we have nothing like it at home! St Peters Cathedral.. there's a photo of it up there. But, as for real Christianity, one thing I've discovered is that it seems dead here. In Denmark, people consider themselves Protestant or Lutheran or whatever, but what does that mean if its only a tradition, that you label yourself? They are confirmed and baptised in the church, and then call themselves Christian. But they have no real, life-saving relationship with Jesus Christ, and if you ask them about that, they think you're crazy.. they don't seem to think they need Jesus.
The gospel is so starved here, it seems. Maybe they had their revival period already, so Christianity now only exists in museum exhibits and tourist attractions, like St Peters Cathedral. It's like some forgotten civilisation, like we'd be fascinated by Ancient Egyptian civilisations.. Just from the small experience I've had here, Europe seems very cold and people are definitely needing Jesus. I haven't seen much sign of him in people's mindsets here. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough though. On Sunday, I'm going to the International Baptist Church of Bremen, so I'll see! But so far, Christianity here seems like a label.
And the number of sex shops.. a lot of people have commented on it - Europe really does have a fascination with sex! I read something once that said the fascination with sex here in Europe is to do with the breakdown in real relationships.. so sex is totally separated from relationship, in people's minds.. so it becomes something of itself, that can be misused however people want.
Well so far Bremen is.. sex shops, cathedrals (ironic isn't it), gothic architecture, street market stalls, bronze statues, and chocolate.
some very interesting reflection. their faith is in the church and traditions. but its may be the churches failure to tell them what christianity really is.
any way keep the posts coming and tell adrian to allow posting to google reader so I can read his blog off that although he may read this him self
Hey Aussie-Girl! Scary impressions you have from our little town! I hope we'll do better in future. And maybe we could give you a glance of a difference today at the International Baptist Church and with the talks later at the weser. ;-)
A bit of hope might be left for the fallen ones: Christival is attending in just 3 days (starting wednesday) and you run away from concerts with Mad Reddman, Judy Baily and many more. But I wish you a blessed further trip to the north-east germany. And don't forget the giant octopus in Stralsund if it doesn't cause any scary dreams.
Be blessed, take care and enjoy your stay in europe!
Your brother in Christ
Pleased to hear that your time in Bremen turned out to be more interesting after all. I had contacted Claudia in Hamburg to look you up, but she was unable to catch you at the hostel. Liz
Denmark, bakeries, Hmmm. Danish pastries, Yum. W.
Christian.. this post was written BEFORE yesterday and IBC Bremen! Another update coming soon.. keep checking back!
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